The new Pan-Amazon basins classification (Eduardo Venticinque, Bruce Forsberg, Ronaldo Barthem, and Michael Goulding, 2021) addresses the challenge of conservation at scale, and offers a useful spatial reduction to make integrated analysis of the aquatic, semi-aquatic and land systems at the Amazon Biome scale, or at different hydrographic scales, such as a specific basin. This spatial framework may be particularly useful for a great variety of users in the investigation, evaluation and monitoring of the aquatic and semi-aquatic systems, not only due to the hierarchy of the basins, but also to the outstanding position granted to the regions accredited under the category of “Main Stem’’ that contain the flood areas along the big rivers and basins of small water flows located in solid ground but under the pulse influence of flooding. Read more.

Maps from our citizen science platform Ictio about:
– Fish observations throughout the Amazon Basin
– Fishing events (lists)
– Ocurrence of emblematic species such as the Amazonian dorado and the boquichico
– The most recorded species and basins with more observations
Access our map archive of our quarterly reports.