Monitoring native killifish in the La Paz metropolis by citizen scientists: advantages and opportunities

Monitoring native killifish in the La Paz metropolis by citizen scientists: advantages and opportunities
July 29, 2023 Gabriela Merizalderubio

Monitoring native killifish in the La Paz metropolis by citizen scientists: advantages and opportunities

Conservando la Cuenca Amazónica Aguas Amazonicas

The Metropolitan Region of La Paz (MRDLP) in Bolivia has grown with minimal planning, leading to major changes to the natural habitat.
Currently, citizen science is becoming an important contributor of information on the biodiversity of urban areas. This study presents novel records of native Andean killifish (Orestias spp.) in the MRDLP obtained from the iNaturalist website, expanding its distribution and highlighting the important role of citizen participation as a tool to expand biodiversity knowledge and monitoring of ecosystems sensitive
to climate change.

Keywords: Conservation, Orestias, La Paz valley, iNaturalist, Bolivia



Journal: Neotropical Hydrobiology and Aquatic Conservation (2022) Vol . 3 (1): 5-12


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