Knowledge Dialogue on Participatory Fisheries Management in the Amazon
The first meeting of the Knowledge Dialogue Cycle on Participatory Fisheries Management in the Amazon took place from November 19 to 22, 2023, in Santa Marta, Colombia. It was held within the framework of the XV International Congress on Wildlife Management in the Amazon and Latin America, CIMFAUNA XV. Nineteen people participated, representing 13 organizations, including representatives from five management groups in the sub-basins of Napo (Ecuador), Amazon (Peru), Madeira, Purús, and Putumayo-Içá (Brazil). Among them stand out representatives of Indigenous Peoples of the Kichwa Nation (Ecuador), the Paumari Water People (Brazil), and the Yagua People (Peru), as well as representatives of Extractivist and Riverine Peoples, as well as 12 professionals from civil society organizations. The goals of the meeting were: (i) Mapping experiences of Participatory Fisheries Management in the Amazon; (ii) Understanding the strengths, common challenges, and the scaling potential of these good governance practices; (iii) Presenting the experiences to the CIMFAUNA audience; and (iv) Co-creating subjects for the upcoming Knowledge Dialogue meetings. This event was held in alliance with USAID and WCS within the framework of the Together for Conservation project.